Below is a representative sampling of some typical RIMtech consulting engagements

Hydro Electric Power Generation and Sale
A multinational corporation with operations in three countries operates 250+ hydroelectric facilities, and markets the electricity to markets around North America. As a heavily regulated organization, the company needed to prove it was compliant with the recordkeeping obligations of its many regulators. RIMtech developed a comprehensive software ready retention schedule, then defined requisite metadata for each of over 150 business units.

Commercial Real Estate
A major real estate management company needed to migrate from an outdated legacy database to a modern content management system for managing real estate leases. A key objective was to achieve full recordkeeping compliance for all future operations. RIMtech assessed the organization and developed a detailed EDRMS project plan including a budget, resources, proposed software and services acquisitions, and schedule. We developed a comprehensive software ready retention schedule for the initial business unit deployment, along with comprehensive metadata. The system has now been deployed and is undergoing proof of concept, with enterprise wide deployment planned within the coming year. RIMtech also assisted with the migration by defining metadata translation from the legacy system to the permanent EDRMS solution.

Large Trade Union
One of Canada’s largest trade unions had accumulated many paper and digital documents over the past 40 years, with little document destruction. The organization had never had a credible retention schedule. They proceeded with the deployment of a modern enterprise content management system. RIMtech developed a comprehensive software ready retention schedule to form the basis of the content management platform’s information architecture going forward.

Municipality, US West Coast
A medium-sized US municipality had selected a content management platform to modernize its document management throughout the city. They selected and deployed a well-known electronic recordkeeping software product in order to be compliant with local and state recordkeeping obligations. RIMtech conducted an extensive evaluation and assessment of the project. A number of strategic project management recommendations were presented to senior management. RIMtech recommended a different electronic recordkeeping software product, and worked with the software vendor to facilitate the switchover. RIMtech also provided guidance and coaching to the records management team regarding a new approach to adapting their existing retention schedule so as to meet state and local guidelines, with sufficient modifications to support a modern EDRMS project. We also helped facilitate a change in the software services provider, and provided a detailed multiyear EDRMS implementation and deployment plan.

Municipality, Canada
A medium-sized Canadian municipality was struggling to modernize and update its 25-year-old retention schedule. RIMtech redeveloped a replacement retention schedule from scratch, taking into account modern tangible capital asset practices commonly found in Canadian and US municipalities. We then produce a detailed EDRMS deployment project plan and strategy, including budget and resources.

Major International Airline
The company had an elaborate system of storing and managing large volumes of email and related documents for internal eDiscovery cases. RIMtech conducted an evaluation of the case management system and developed a technical and functional specification for a records compliant replacement system using fewer products and delivering higher recordkeeping compliance. RIMtech also recommended the deployment of a modern electronic recordkeeping software product, and helped with the coaching, learning, selection, and ultimately the testing and piloting of the software.

Nuclear Power Facility
A major nuclear power facility with four reactors was using the Dewey Decimal indexing and classification system for its millions of technical, non-technical, and administrative records. Their legacy document management and control system was being upgraded to a more modern, sophisticated replacement system. RIMtech guided the adaptation of their existing retention schedule to a more modern structure in order to accommodate the new document management system requirements. This retention schedule was highly specific to the nuclear industry, as it incorporated not only the Dewey Decimal indexing system but also took into account the need for so-called “controlled documents”, essential in a nuclear setting.

Software Vendor, Information Governance
A California-based software developer was providing document archiving services on a massive scale to major US financial institutions, including banks. The software had no inherent recordkeeping capability, such as a retention schedule, or formal disposition processes to delete documents. The company’s clients demanded a higher level of recordkeeping compliance within the product. RIMtech provided extensive consulting services to the development team, with the goal of achieving full certification against the US DOD 5015.2-STD standard. Within 12 months, the company had achieved full certification, and has now advanced their software product even further with additional powerful information governance features.

US Electrical Utility
A major West Coast US electrical utility was struggling to successfully define and deploy a modern EDRMS solution. RIMtech provided a comprehensive training and coaching program to the information management team. This included a formal written project plan, as well as extensive one-on-one coaching with team members. The executive team and project sponsors were also briefed and coached by RIMtech.

US Military Command
RIMtech provided an extensive electronic recordkeeping education and coaching program to one of the US military’s large overseas Commands. Formal seminars were conducted for the records and information management teams, along with IT personnel. This was followed up with one-on-one coaching and advice.

Canadian Government Regulatory Agency
A small Canadian government agency, responsible for providing oversight and accountability of information requests, asked RIMtech to recommend the optimal software solution for document management that would meet Canadian government recordkeeping obligations. RIMtech conducted a deep analysis of the government of Canada’s GCDocs software solution (a customized version of OpenText’s Content Manager product), versus Microsoft’s M365 content management platform. RIMtech conducted very extensive examination of the capabilities of both products against the Canadian government’s recordkeeping obligations. RIMtech has recommended a solution to this agency, and will soon be publishing a public report about the government of Canada’s recordkeeping obligations for software solutions.