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Consulting Services

Bruce Miller is the world’s foremost expert on electronic recordkeeping. Some of his accomplishments:


  • Developed the world’s first electronic recordkeeping software

  • Achieved the world’s first certification against US DoD 5015.2-STD

  • Emmett Leahy Award winner, considered the highest achievement in recordkeeping sciences

  • Authored 2 books entitled “Managing Records in Microsoft SharePoint

  • Developed two electronic recordkeeping software products (IBM, Documentum)

  • 20 years consulting experience

  • Authored numerous papers on electronic recordkeeping

  • Frequent expert speaker at conferences and other industry events

  • Developed and delivered several formal training courses around North America and abroad


Your project can benefit enormously from his deep knowledge and extensive experience. Below are examples of the type of consulting services he delivers:


EDRMS Project Proposals

Develop a detailed, comprehensive proposal for the implementation of a future EDRMS (Electronic Document and Records Management System) project. Analyze the current recordkeeping landscape, assess challenges unique to your organization, assess resource availability and skill set, produce a detailed EDRMS project plan with budget, resource requirements, product selection, and project schedule.

Readiness Assesssment

Analyze your organization’s current resources and current state of records management capability. Determine your team’s readiness for the deployment of electronic recordkeeping, identify any challenges or current barriers, and propose remediation to prepare your organization for electronic recordkeeping.

Project Management

Analyze your organization’s current resources and current state of records management capability. Determine your team’s readiness for the deployment of electronic recordkeeping, identify any challenges or current barriers, and propose remediation to prepare your organization for electronic recordkeeping.

Competitive Procurement

Bruce can play a hugely beneficial role in the competitive procurement of software for EDRMS projects such as enterprise content management platforms, databases, electronic recordkeeping software, utility software products, email integration, supporting services, and all the components of a modern EDRMS project. Bruce can help with all stages of competitive procurement. He can draft a suitable RFP appropriate for your organization and budget, evaluate received proposals, interview vendors, prepare test and demonstration scripts, assist with final selection, and drafting agreements with successful bidders. Bruce also teaches a course on how to prepare effective RFPs for EDRMS projects.


Bruce provides one-on-one or team coaching on a variety of topics related to electronic recordkeeping. Such areas often include enterprise content management software, retention schedule development and modification, recordkeeping software administration and operation, project management, recordkeeping knowledge for IT team members, and IT knowledge for recordkeeping team members.

Business Case

Prepare a detailed business case in support of proposals to advance the organization to electronic recordkeeping, including full-scale EDRMS project deployments. Such business cases typically include compliance, financial, risk management, and reputational considerations, among others.

Software Evaluation and Selection

Bruce has deep and extensive knowledge of many modern recordkeeping software products. He often examines software products and interviews the vendors and developers, in order to determine their true recordkeeping capabilities. He has extensively written detailed software product reports on a number of popular products. Such reports are hard-hitting, detailed, and highly independent. Bruce has no ties or affiliations of any sort with any software vendors.

Customized Training

Bruce offers a range of some 24 electronic recordkeeping courses in both private and public formats. He can also tailor training specific to your organization, taking into account such things as your technology preferences and platforms, the particular resources you have available on your team, your regulatory environment, and even account the nature of your business. Bruce often deals with highly technical companies in fields such as hydroelectric power generation, nuclear plants and facilities, complex financial institutions, public utilities, and more.

Retention Schedule Development

Bruce has pioneered a new approach to retention schedules which he refers to as “modern software-ready retention schedules”. He can design and develop a retention schedule from scratch or modify your existing schedule. He has prepared retention schedules for a variety of industries including municipalities, hydroelectric utilities, government organizations, and more.

Services Provider Certification

Most EDRMS projects utilize the services of so-called “software service providers”. Such organizations are typically small or medium-size consulting companies specializing in the deployment of one or two brands of enterprise content management products such as SharePoint, IBM, LaserFiche, etc. Very few such firms are knowledgeable about recordkeeping and EDRMS solutions. Bruce often advises such firms and coaches them on what they need to know to successfully deploy their products in modern EDRMS projects. He also has a certification program whereby he will train, test, and certify a services firm that delivers EDRMS services to his rigorous standards.

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